Analysis Script
Commands should be placed in a text file with extension <ana>.
Then place the file name in the User Analysis directory, e.g., my_analysis_directory.uad, which is set in the inifile. No spaces allowed, except in the text of a note.
•wait=1000 (ms)
•beep=1 {2,3}
•note=text; as in script analysis
•do; as in script
•choose_files=true ;opens window to choose files to analyze; all commands which follow apply to each file
•filename=filename; choose specific file from script
•do_iv=avg {peak,tpeak,integ,rms}; as in episode math
•episode=all {##}; show all episodes
•start_point=###;show from this point
•end_point=###;end at this point
•epi_avg=true; commands below as in episode math
•iv_print=true; print the i-v plot
•trace_print=true; print the analysis plot
•export=asc {mat,abf}; export file; files are put in subdirectory \export
•cursor1=#; set cursors
•partition=#; highlight given partition with cursors at start and stop
•sp_do_transform=filename.xfm ; run transform in SigmaPlot; transforms must be in the \Transforms\ subdirectory of SigmaPlot
•ml_do_command=matlab command ; run MATLAB command
•org_do_command=Origin LabTalk command ; run Origin command
; raw data leakage subtraction
•sub_trace=#; episode to use as scaled subtraction trace
•volt_partition=#; partition number for voltage range
•leak_sub_part=#; partition number to be leak subtracted; use <h> for hold region
; automation export to external applications
; set SigmaPlot notebook template, else selection window opens; if set to "auto" then new notebooks are created
; templates located in /sigmaplot/ subdirectory of jclamp32
•export_data_cc=matlab, sigmaplot, origin, or excel
•export_data_abf=matlab, sigmaplot, origin, or excel
•export_data_iv=matlab, sigmaplot, origin or excel
analyse cm abf file and plot; previously loaded data file must be a two sine or phase track Cm collection
set scales for plot of loaded data file
•fix_yscale=true or false
•fix_xscale=true or false
set fit parameters
•fit_on=true; open fit window
•fit_now=true, do fit now
•fit_target=analysis, iv, cc"
• ; replace with any user equation filename that is present in the <user_fits> directory
•auto_export=true, false
•part=partition; partition to plot in Result Analysis Window; 0 for all
•group=true/false; check box in fit form
•param=true/false ; check box in fit form
•choose_files_from=<filename> ; list of files to analyze rather than choose from dialog; uses script_data_directory that was previously set
•x_data_to_fit=<filename> ; x data for fit; uses script_data_directory that was previously set
•y_data_to_fit =<filename> ; y data for fit must be same length as x data; uses script_data_directory that was previously set
•params_to_fit =<filename> ; parameters for fit passed to matlab environment; uses script_data_directory that was previously set
•rs_cor=True/false; turn on/off rs correction
•rs_val_override=<value>; replace rs value to use for rs correction
•script_data_directory=path; eg. C:\script_data, data files will be saved as first five leters of directory and filenumber – scrip001.abf, scrip002.abf …, in that directory